Work Packages
WP1. Management and Coordination
- Project management and coordination
- Organizing and implementing project transnational meetings and Rectors' Assembly meetings
- Planning, monitoring and reporting
WP2. Cooperation Model, Quality Assurance System, and Evaluation
- Setting up the strategic guidelines of INVEST cooperation and joint development
- Establishing the joint structure and bodies and adopting common rules for quality assurance, internal evaluation and impact assessment
- Developing a common Quality Assurance System (QAS) and the impact assessment tools
- Evaluation of the reached impact in terms of project target groups and HEI learning practices at partners’ countries and on EU level
- Seeking the establishment of an International agency for quality assurance in higher education (IAQAHE).
WP3. Study programs, courses, learning strategies, and supporting tools
- Establishment of a WP 3 team
- Accreditation frame work
- Design and implementation of a model for joint degrees
- Design and implementation of joint degrees ( Bachelor, Master and Doctor level). centered around the focal points of INVEST.
- Design and implementation of new appropriate innovative teaching, learning and learning strategies
- Design and implementation of integrated, multidisciplinary modules, using innovative teaching and learning strategies for the joint degree programs
- Development of a repository of digital and paper teaching and learning tools and materials
- Creating conditions for multilingual studies and language skills improvement through the offering of foreign languages courses and training in different languages according to the learners’ preferences choice
- Co-development of lifelong learning courses including in-service trainings and flexible study paths with the associated partners and stakeholder in the fields of the focal points of INVEST including In-service trainings and flexible study paths
- Offering topical winter and summer schools, research projects and field studies.
- Establishing a link between ECTS and ECVET on the bases of learning outcomes recognition
- Transferring know-how between partners
- To adapt and implement the EDUC8EU digital framework for recognition of credits and study planning by individual students and staff
- Establishing a living lab in each of the INVEST Universities
- Organizing meetings with civic society and the relevant associated partners to formulate the regional sustainable knowledge agenda.
- Developing and implementing applied research projects and field studies, within the framework of the regional sustainable knowledge agenda’s
WP4. Co-creation of student and staff competencies and sustainable INVEST tools
- International interregional degree and non-degree program pilot tool
- Physical and digital mobilities
- Winter and summer schools
- Life-Long learning activities, trainings and flexible study paths
- Student services including enrolment and accreditation
- Knowledge management pathway
- Learning community
WP5. Sustainability and dissemination
- Dissemination and Communication
- Stakeholder Community Engagement & Coordination with relevant EU initiatives
- Roadmap and policy recommendation for EU
- Exploitation Strategy & Sustainability Plan