Vitajte v spoločnosti INVEST
Konkurenčná univerzita pre udržateľnú spoločnosť
INVEST – Projekt Európske univerzity je aliancia, ktorá združuje päť európskych univerzít: Slovenskú poľnohospodársku univerzitu (SPU) v Nitre, Slovensko, University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Plovdiv, Bulharsko, University of Thessaly, Volos, Grécko, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Joensuu, Fínsko, Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, Holandsko. Partneri projektu, ako internacionalizované inštitúcie zamerané na implementáciu iniciatívy Európskej komisie pre vznik a hodnotenie európskych univerzít, zdieľajú svoje rozsiahle skúsenosti, ako aj spoločný profil.

Invest RoadMap
- 2020-2023
- 2024-2028
Designing the University of the Future!
Our vision is to create a modern European University fulfilling the needs and requirements of the new generation of Europeans willing to lead in the introduction of sustainable life in regions across Europe. By establishing this European university, we:
• INVEST in enhancing the sustainability and inclusiveness of our partner regions
• INVEST in the innovation of our education system and research methods
• INVEST in our students becoming active citizens and future shaping professionals for Europe.
Putting our vision into Practise!
INVEST will become a model of good practice in the achievement of the policies of the European Education Area.
Achievements will be visible in innovative teaching and research, international academic mobility and intercultural collaboration, development of a robust academic culture, provision of products and services to gain new skills and competences for the benefit of European regions and local communities.