Georgi Atanasov Georgiev
Professor Georgi Atanasov Georgiev is a professor and Doctor of Science in the professional field of Administration and Management and a scientific specialty in Strategic and Organizational Management. He has scientific competences and educational qualifications in two more areas – "Security and Defense" and "Technical Sciences". His scientific interests and searches are related to cars, tractors and forklifts, high-energy metal processing, computer systems and technologies, management and strategic management of the organization and human resources, organization and management of the educational process at higher school, organization and management of research and innovation activities at higher school, organization and management of the development of academic staff at higher school, Theory of National Security, International Security Systems.
He is the author of more than 107 scientific publications in a total volume of over 3604 pages. He is aware of 121 citations from other authors. He is the author of 5 films connected with training and educational process. He has participated in 3 national and 2 international educational and scientific projects.