Presentation of the INVEST Project at the University of Thessaly: An Innovative Step for Higher Education in Europe

On October 15, 2024, the University of Thessaly hosted a significant dissemination event for the INVEST2 project, part of the European Union’s European Universities initiative. The event aimed to showcase the progress and achievements of the project, targeting the academic community of the university, including students, faculty, and administrative staff.

The event took place both in person and online, in the auditorium of the Department of Digital Systems at the Geopolis Campus. Participants had the opportunity to attend engaging presentations by the project team and gain insights into the goals and innovative actions of the project.

Professor Nikolaos Samaras, the local scientific coordinator of the project, outlined the overarching objective of the initiative, which is to create a unified European education area. Following that, Associate Professor Konstantinos Kokkinos detailed the project's goals, its actions, and the opportunities it offers to students, faculty, and administrative staff.

Assistant Professor Omiros Iatrellis focused on the INVEST Living Labs, which enable students to actively participate in innovative applied research activities. Professor Eutychia Nathanail then presented the project’s Master’s programs, highlighting their blend of theory and practice and how they enhance students’ skills.

Next, the Scientific Associate Vassilis Kyriatzis presented the Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs) implemented during the first phase of the project, as well as the future plans for similar programs. He emphasized the benefits of these experiences for students. His presentation was further supported by student Theodora Michou, who shared her personal experiences and the skills she developed through her participation. The event concluded with a presentation by Professor Vassilis Gerogiannis, who introduced the INVEST Incubator, a new structure offering support for startups led by students and members of the academic community.

The event concluded with insights highlighting the unique approach of the INVEST project. It was evident from the presentations that INVEST stands out for its holistic focus on fostering long-term collaboration among European universities. Through joint study programs, research partnerships, and various support activities, INVEST aims to enhance cooperation and competitiveness across Europe. Additionally, the initiative's emphasis on sustainability and innovation was underscored by the creation of Centers of Excellence, Living Labs, and Joint Research Centers. These developments pave the way for advancements in higher education and create valuable opportunities for both students and the entire academic community of the University of Thessaly.

View the Presentations:

  1. Introductory Speech - N. Samaras
  2. Goals of INVEST - K. Kokkinos
  3. INVEST Living Labs - O. Iatrellis
  4. Presentation of Master’s Programs - E. Nathanail
  5. Experiences from Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs) of the 1st Phase - V. Kyriatzis, T. Michou
  6. INVEST Incubator - V. Gerogiannis

Note: The presentations are available as videos and are conducted in Greek.