Invest Virtual Campus is the basic tool of the alliance which manages the study affair and also provides access to the staff and students, giving them opportunities to be involved in the development of the alliance's common degrees and courses (at all levels including the lifelong learning), mobilities and training/learning materials. It is an inter university digital ecosystem that consists of several modules and offers applications that support the following groups of users:

  • Public users / Visitors
  • Teachers
  • Administrative Staff
  • Students
  • Prospective Students

Build with latest technologies, Invest Virtual campus is a secure, scalable and modern application that acts as a central gateway for supporting users from all universities of our alliance. The platform aims at digitalizing the registration and admission procedures that will help and increase student mobilitiesand minimize administrative efforts for all partner universities in a harmonized way. The application consists of several built-in modules that help our team to collaborate, manage processes, and reach new productivity peaks.