An important meeting of the European Alliances, including coordinators and partners from Andalusia (Spain), was held on 19 July at the University of Almeria. We had the opportunity to share the objectives of INVEST and learn about the progress other alliances are making in their activities. It was a very fruitful meeting, and it is vital for INVEST to learn from our colleagues and discover the strategies they are implementing.

One of the first steps agreed upon is joint planning for the dissemination of good practices carried out by the different alliances. We extend our gratitude to everyone for the support and warm welcome we received in Almeria, especially to the two new Andalusian alliances, the universities of Huelva and Málaga.

This meeting was an excellent opportunity for the University of Córdoba to share experiences, review the work done over the years, plan new objectives, and wish our colleagues a restful summer. We will return with great enthusiasm in September.