Petri Juhani Raivo
Petri Juhani Raivo, Ph.D., adjunct professor (Universities of Oulu, Turku and Eastern Finland)
President and CEO Karelia University of Applied Science
Honors & Awards:
- Honorable Professor of Kokand University, Uzbekistan
- First Class Knight of the White Rose of Finland
Current Positions of Trust
- Member of the board of CSC – IT Center for Science
- Member of the Board of the Business Education Association's North Karelia branch
- Member of the board of Joensuu Science Park
- Vice President of the Association of Finnish Education Employers
- Member of the Internationalization Committee of the Council of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences
- Representative of the Takki network for Members of Parliament, representatives of universities of applied sciences and the working life
- Member of the Board of the North Karelia Chamber of Commerce
He has a passion for research and innovation activities that contribute to regional development as well as the growth and future of applied higher education.